Next Tuesday, 22nd May 2018, the regular Aikido training is cancelled. We will attend a special training of Shuriken throwing lead by Sensei Jakub Zeman. Jakub Zeman, 4th Dan Tojamarju, is prominent European apprentice of Nakagava Sensei, Japanese Sword scholar and winner of a Taikai shuriken. Please contact us, if you are interested in joining us.
Category Archives: Seminars
2.3. 2018 Takashi Kuroki in Prague
There will be an international seminar lead by Sensei Takashi Kuroki 6.dan Aikido Aikikai, 5.dan Iaido at the weekend of 2nd -3rd of December 2017 held in Rakovník. Same as the last time, there will be a special training held at our Dojo in Prague at Friday (1st of December 2017). Therefore, pack your training Gi, weapons and good mood and come to our Dojo for a Friday prelude to the weekend seminar. We are so much looking forward to it!
(Link to the seminar page:
Takashi Kuroki, 6th dan Aikido Aikikai in Prague!
Do a warm-up for international seminar in Pardubice (4.-5.3. 2017) on training under leadership of Sensei Takashi Kuroki 6th dan Aikido Aikikai, 5th dan Iaido in Prague. The training is going to be held in our dojo at Friday 3rd March 2017 from 18:15.
We are looking forward to meeting you at our tatami or at the following seminar in Pardubice!
Pictures from training under Matsuba Sensei 6th dan Aikido
We had an opportunity to train under supervision of Sensei Matsuba Kunimasa 6th dan Aikdo (homepage) last month. Sensei is well-known swordsmith which holds many prestigious awards; he is a hodler of “mukansa” (“without judgement”) title. Holders of this title are no longer allowed to enter competitions, their work is exhibited without judge commentary. It is hard to imagine higher level of appreciation.
Sensei is practising Jiki Shinkage Ryu and Tameshigiri besides swordsmithing. This illustrates his interest in Japanese sword from all points of view. From purely aesthetic approach to practical one. Sensei introduced us to some of these aspects in his talk about sword making which was held in Dobra Čajovna at Vaclav square before training.
Training consisted of few less complicated techniques, however the focus was on relaxation and proper execution of technique. This is where Sensei’s requirement of ten students at trainng at maximum (quite unexpected from our side) cami in play. Sensei checked execution of techniques personally. He was playing Uke’s role for each single one of us until he managed to show us a way to improve. Respect!
What is left to do? Show pictures and say big thank you for excelent training! Special thank belong to Jakub Zeman for his educated translation from Japanese.
Let us remind you about the seminar of Renato Filippin, 6th dan
More informations can be found here.
Seminar of Renato Filippin 6. dan Aikido Aikikai in Prague!
Sensei Renato Filippin 6. dan Aikido Aikikai is coming to Prague this November. All necessary information can be found in the poster below.
In case of any questions/problems please don’t hesitate to contact us at .